Trusted Litigation Advocates

in Probate, Estate, Trusts, Conservatorships, & Guardianships

Trusted Litigation Advocates

in Probate, Estate, Trusts,
Conservatorships, &


An experienced Attorney with a demonstrated history of working in the law practice industry, Dale is a strong legal professional skilled in Litigation concerning Estates, Trusts, Conservatorships, and Guardianships together with Estate and Trust Administration.

The Kiken Group logo with attorney and client shaking hands

Navigating Conservatorships for Parkinson’s Patients: A Vital Legal Aspect

Parkinson’s disease can significantly impact an individual’s life, affecting their mobility, cognition, and decision-making abilities as they age. As the disease progresses, they may encounter challenges related to decision-making and managing their financial affairs. In such cases, conservatorships can become a crucial legal tool to ensure the well-being of those living with Parkinson’s. This article delves into the complexities of conservatorships for Parkinson’s patients, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right person and seeking expert guidance.

Choosing the Right Person

A conservatorship is a legal arrangement where a court appoints an individual or a professional fiduciary to make decisions on behalf of someone who is unable to do so themselves. For Parkinson’s patients, this can mean appointing someone to manage financial matters, healthcare decisions, or both, depending on the individual’s needs.

Choosing a conservator for a Parkinson’s patient is a critical decision that requires careful consideration, as the conservator will hold significant responsibility and must act in the patient’s best interest.

  • Family Member vs. Non-Family: One common dilemma is whether to choose a family member or a third party as the conservator. While family members may have a deeper understanding of the patient’s wishes, their emotional involvement can impact decision-making. Non-family members, on the other hand, may offer a more detached perspective.
  • Proximity: The proximity of the conservator and the patient can be important if the conservator also provides caregiving or caregiving oversight.  Distance between the two can therefore impact the management of day-to-day matters. Geographic proximity allows the conservator to more effectively manage day-to-day affairs, make timely decisions, and be present for medical or other important appointments. If a family member is geographically distant, it may be necessary to engage a care professional to serve as the local boots on the ground.
  • Relationship Dynamics: Evaluate the existing relationship dynamics between the proposed conservatee-patient and potential conservators. Conflicts or strained relationships can complicate the conservatorship process and potentially harm the patient’s well-being.

Getting Guidance

Navigating the legal complexities of conservatorships for Parkinson’s patients can be overwhelming. The expertise of an attorney who specializes in conservatorships becomes invaluable. They can provide guidance on the legal requirements, documentation, and court procedures involved in establishing a conservatorship.

Conservatorships for Parkinson’s patients play a vital role in safeguarding their well-being and financial security as they contend with the challenges posed by the disease. Selecting the right conservator and seeking expert legal guidance is essential to ensuring that the patient’s interests are protected.

We understand the specific legal nuances of your jurisdiction, and can guide you through the entire process, from petitioning the court to representing your interests during the conservatorship proceedings.

Contact The Kiken Group for assistance in getting a conservatorship in Orange County, CA, as well as Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.

Case Study

Husband Hides Dementia while Striving to Secure Wife’s Assets
A client’s mother inherited substantial assets from her parents. . .

Meet Dale

He is the probate litigator who fights for his clients’ rights; competently and calmly resolving disputes – even in the most complicated cases. . .

Case Study

Famous Set Designer Embroiled in Probate Litigation
A famous theatrical worker became a client of our firm. . .

About the Firm

At The Kiken Group, A Professional Corporation, we understand the sensitivity of probate and conservatorship matters...

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